Knitted wallpaper? Why not!

I was scrolling through some Spoonflower posts on Facebook this afternoon and saw that they recently did a feature on wallpaper that looks like knitting. I’ve been thinking about re-papering my front hall using one of my “Hand Knit” prints. I’ve made all the prints in that collection available as fabric, gift wrap and wallpaper.

I’m thinking about using my “Wheat Reverse” print. What do you think?


I really love the “Lime Reverse” but it just doesn’t work with the colors on the first floor of my house:



Prototype party!

I was so happy to get a Rav message from one of my “flatmates” in the 221B (Sherlock) group on Ravelry. She had seen some of my project bags and was wondering if I could make a themed one for the Sherlock hexipuff quilt she’s working on.

I enjoy creating new items that meet someone’s specific need, so I made a prototype yesterday with some fabric I had on hand, while I wait for my new Sherlock fabric to arrive from Spoonflower. I have to say, I love it — it is a smaller version of my zip top project bag, made just big enough to carry around the supplies for a few hexipuffs (you may be thinking, what the heck are hexipuffs? If you can wait, that will be the subject of a future post!).

Here’s the front and back of the bag (it’s about 6″ tall, 9″ wide at the top, and 7″ wide and 2.25″ deep at the bottom), along with a couple of “action shots” with hexipuff supplies:

33-Hexipuff bag 1 front 33-Hexipuff bag 1 back

33-Hexipuff bag 4 33-Hexipuff bag 3

And the prototyping didn’t end there! My friend Cat had a suggestion for a way to improve the magnetic pincushions I make. Here’s one I made a year ago:

35-Pincushion watermelon 35-Pincushion watermelon w ruler

Today, I used the same “orange creamsicle” fabric as for the hexipuff bag, but I found that fabric was too heavy for the magnet to be effective:

36-Pincushion creamsicle 36-Pincushion creamsicle w ruler

It looks great, but if you tilt the pincushion, the pins fall off… Back to the drawing board!

I knew I had the perfect fabric for this and so made one more prototype today:

34-Meas tape pincushion

A measuring tape pincushion — this one is getting added to my Etsy shop! The fabric is light enough that the magnet does its job, and it is so cute, to boot. What more can you ask in a sewing notion?


New item in my shop!

I cannot believe it’s been two weeks since my first post. I guess I’ve been busy creating, but not talking about it. Now it’s time to talk about it!

I’ve added a new style of knitting project bag to my Etsy shop. It’s a zip-top project bag with a wide opening. I really love it — they’re a little more compact than my drawstring project bags but they still hold a lot. And I love playing with color combinations in the main fabric, zipper, lining fabric, and even the pull tab for the zipper. Here’s a sample:


and here’s how it looks when it’s open:


and with some contents (that’s the sleeve of a Devonshire sweater from Twist Collective that I’ve got stashed inside):


Oh, and I’ve got a Doctor Who inspired one as well (made with some great fabric I found on Spoonflower):


I’ll definitely be making more of these next week. They’re my new favorite thing!

Welcome to my world!

So, I finally did it — bit the bullet and started a blog. Why have a blog? I feel like it’s the best way to tie together all the different things I’m working on and thinking about. I love having my Etsy shop and store on Spoonflower. And posting on Ravelry, of course. But I wanted a place that’s more flexible than any of them, where I can talk about all of them, and more. This is that place.

The thing I’m most excited about right now is my new line of fabrics inspired by the BBC Sherlock series. I call it Lovin’ Sherlock and you can find it on Spoonflower. Let me know what you think of the prints. If you’d like one of them in a different color, or at a different size, just let me know, either here or on Spoonflower. I love to collaborate to come up with new variations!
